Our RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) services include a representation of solutions that effectively adhere to your hiring goals. Our assistance focuses on a modern action plan that translates into a notable saving of the client’s experience and the values when matched to other means of sourcing. Along with leveraging technology and decreasing overall costs, our RPO services assist clients’ to manage large volume recruitment, guide the selection of required personnel and oversee the administrative details and process.
Our team with their domain expertise and experience is outlined to enhance performance and succeed at the market ends of your businesses and thus deliver results at affordable values, quicker turnaround time and desired quality. The attractive statement about this offering is that it offers comprehensive and effective solutions at reasonable costs.
A few of Keystone’s recent accomplishments
Closed 80% of the manpower requirement for a US based MNC – From Engineer to Managing Director
Successfully closed 90% of the Sr. Management openings and 70% of the middle and junior management openings for a US MNC
Successfully closed positions in manufacturing, projects, quality, sourcing etc.., for the new project of a French MNC
Successfully closed various positions across levels for a French MNC
Successfully closed mandates for junior, middle and senior level for an Indian MNC
Successfully closed positions of MD’s, Directors, VPs, Managers, for Indian and multinational corporations.
Successfully closed positions including Plant Head for a US MNC’s new project in Saudi Arabia.